Sunday, 25 April 2010

Spirit of Border Collie

Last night I attended a talk on 'For the Love of Dogs' by a wonderful lady called Barbara from here The talk was to teach us already dog people to educate the public in dog ownership and the horror and defanition of the Puppy Farmers. My own site Woof Beginnings will hopefully be helping with this education in the future.

Never one to miss an opportunity LOL, I have (hopefully) struck up a deal with Barbara for some advertising in her magazine and maybe on her website for my products, what she doesnt know yet is I will also be offering a donation to her rescue for every item sold from her advertising space.

Day of work ahead, the new project is going very well so far - so hoping to have some new design bags to show you during the week.

~Bags of Swank by SimJaTa~

1 comment:

  1. That is excellent news about the advertising and also giving a donation to a worthy cause...lets hope you raise lots and lots of money :)

