Sunday, 18 April 2010

Garden Birds Handbag

I finally got around to adding my latest creation to the Folksy shop. Let me introduce "The Garden Birds" makes a change from dogs I thought. This morning I planted the lavendar, just got to learn how to look after it now, hoping hubby will take me out to a large lavendar plant in Rainford in the week, they grown lavendar and other herbs and products and give advice too.

Today's creation is Cottage Garden Patchwork Cats, hoping it will turn out ok.

Not tested the wheat bags as yet, as Hubby has been busy fixing the servers all weekend, we have our websites back now but still alas no email, makes checking all the sites, facebook etc even more time consuming, be glad when its back.

Better dash off, just remembered the washing still on the line.

Bags of Swank by SimJaTa

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