Friday, 28 May 2010

Great Day, and still learning

Here are my very first attempts at quilted cushions, ok they are way from perfect yet but I was quite pleased at my first attempt. After looking for advice, books, magazines, google tutorials, I eventually mentioned to my Mum about my new interest. She suggested I phoned her friend in Cardiff up, what a revolation, this wonderful lady has taught me so much, once I get around to my next attempt hopefully you will see a vast improvement. Mum's friend Marge has also sent me all her bits she used for her excellent quilts, sadly Marge has lost the majority of her eyesight and can no longer participate in her beloved quilting, she sent me her photo's of what she created too.

My best bits of news though are my bags went off to the organic farm shop yesterday, and next I have to make some stock for a local pet shop - how great is that? then whilst enjoying my day, I heard back from the Lavender Farm and they are also willing to take some stock too, so the week after I will be creating for there. Currently I am working on some more Lavender sachets for Monday's stall at a dog show in Leyland - I will be closing my Folksy shop for the day and taking along all my handmade handbags.

I also purchased the most fantastic book which has everything in it I have always wanted to do, why oh why do I need sleep? just not enough hours in the day to do everything I would like, and I just spent 2 hours sorting through my fabrics in the craft room, its still a mess but at least I have some sort of order in there now.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, not sure I will be around till after Monday, got two days solid to get stock made up just breaking for the dog walks.

~Bags of Swank by SimJaTa ~


  1. Wow! You are a very busy lady! and it is really good and pleasing to see things are taking off for you.

    The cushions are very nice by the way!


  2. Thanks Mick, I remember a wise man saying to me a while ago, "things take time".

