Saturday, 26 June 2010

Hot Summer Days

Walking the dogs is not easy in this weather, our black Labrdor is really suffering in the heat, amazingly the oldie who is around 10 is doing much better, she has finally learnt to pace herself, unlike the black 2 year old loony who hasnt so we have to be very careful he doesnt get sun stroke. We are lucky to be on the coast, although due to the state of the beach rarely go as far as the sea as normally its black and gooey, in the heat though its all dried up so we went early today so the dogs could have a decent walk and some fun.

Not blogged for a few days as 'I made this handbag' each day is not that interesting, but I am working away still. Done two new designs for my Folksy shop that will be there soon, re listed at least half my handbags with improved photographs and tomorrow going to do a stack more for re-listing sun cream at the ready and a wonderful garden of props with a willing model to help.

Today we had a trip to one of my outlets 'Manic Organic' as they had sold all my lavender sachets and asked for some more, so taken some more stock to them and bought the most wonderful organic strawberries EVER grown by them, yum. Also bought some more of the best organic cheese EVER too, my hubby has suggested they stop paying me cash for sales and just pay me in cheese. Next time I am going to sample their home grown new potatoes too, they look good, this is the most amazing shop I have never really eaten organic before due to the price in the supermarkets, but this shop is really reasonable and very high quality - so if you live in the Lancashire area and fancy some organic home grown food well worth a trip out, details are on my website.

Sorry folks but as for the weather, I have had enough now - the country needs rain so I have booked in my rain dance for later on.


  1. Yep, I could really do with some rain too so I will be having a little dance later as well :).

    You are lucky living near to the sea because you must get some sea breeze as well from it..I couldn't be further away from a beach :(

    Well done with the lavender sachets!


  2. Hi Mick
    Rain dance not working yet, must try harder. Outdoors the breeze is ok or at least it is if you are actually by the sea, but my usual work is between hills and a total heat trap, not nice.

    Same shop doing very well sold some more bags today too.
